– New Technology –

The iTOVi is a helpful tool for navigating the world of supplements and essential oils, similar in concept to the Apple Watch, Fitbit, or other devices which track your heart rate.

At MyoFix Massage we utilise this instrument to help you determine which dōTERRA products your body has the strongest response to. We allow 15-30 minutes for the full length of an iTOVi Consult.

During an iTOVi scan, the device passes minuscule electrical currents through the skin (which cannot be felt) to measure the body’s resistance to frequencies, each of which is the natural energy signature of dōTERRA oils – this method is called bioimpedance technology. iTOVi measures your body’s response which is recorded and listed on a report. After the scan, a report displays the products you reacted to ranked in order with the strongest reacting product listed first, in which are in line with your physical, emotional and environmental state of being.

We will then guide you through to detect how each dōTERRA oil best resonates with you, allowing you to decipher which area you would like to focus most on, choosing one oil from your report which you’d like to begin working with in your daily life.

What you get to take home:

an iTOVi report emailed to you listing the ten dōTERRA oils your body responded to the most

a further report reflecting how each oil best resonates with you

a 5ml roller bottle containing one chosen dōTERRA essential oil from your report, complete with use instructions for you to take home and begin applying in your daily routine.

In addition you can decide if you want to create a home treatment pack which can also include an inhaler &/or 2ml bottle of oil with a diffuser if you want to work with more than 1 oil from your report – this will be an additional cost which we can discuss upon completion of the consult.

NB: the iTOVi device is not a diagnostic tool. This product is safe for all ages including babies and young children, pregnant women as well as people with pace makers.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I know which dōTERRA oils I will need the most?

    It is important to know that the iTOVi scanner does not tell you which products you need the most, instead it shows you which products your body has the strongest response to.

  • Do the different categories mean I have to take the dōTERRA oil differently (topically, aromatically, etc)?

    The answer is no, the Health Triad does not tell you how the oil is to be used. Usage is included for each product separate from the Health Triad and depending on your results and according to the book we’ll refer to “The Essential Life” it will elaborate how best the oil can be used for each instance.

  • Why? What? Who? Why is each dōTERRA product placed in specific categories; what does it mean; & who decided each dōTERRA product should be in each specified category?

    dōTERRA products are placed in the Health Triad based on the way they are most commonly and safely used. dōTERRA products which fall under the Emotional category may influence well-being, attitude, and mood. dōTERRA products which fall under the Environmental category may influence our response to our immediate surroundings. dōTERRA products which fall under the Physical category may affect our physical health and wellness.

  • Why isn't the iTOVi scanner a diagnostic tool?

    The iTOVi scanner system is not designed to treat or diagnose any illness, disease or condition. The report simply displays a list of products based off of the changes to the electrical conductivity of the skin.

  • How long does a scan take?

    The scan should be completed in 2-3 minutes or less. It is more-so the consult to follow which is the time consuming part of the appointment as we look into each of the ten oils, getting an understanding as to why they have a strong response to your body’s frequency and characteristic signals.

  • How long should I wait between scans?

    iTOVi recommends allowing the dōTERRA products time to work with your body. With some individuals the process can take between 30-45 days to see changes in their iTOVi scan report.

For more information on the iTOVi please visit

Trial Massage available


30 minutes - $40

Please Note

If the therapist feels that the session has turned sexual for the client, male or female, he/she may stop the session to clarify the client’s intent, and may decide to end the session immediately.

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